Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The stairway to hell

Charlie here - A few weeks ago when Rick first told us to walk up the stairs, I said silently to myself, "Self, that's a piece of cake. Stairs I can do." Little did I know what I was up against. But you know, compared to some of the other tortures Rick has devised for us, give me the stairs anytime. Even the the 550 stair steps (yes, I counted) we did last night is still easier than jumping that stupid friggin' rope. The stairs are indeed a piece of cake.....and getting easier. Where does Rick get these moves he prescribes? He's got me trying to put my limbs in positions they were never designed to go. In all my 63 years, I have never been required to move like this and the only reason I do it now is because the rest of the class is doing it. I mean like Rick says "touch your toes"...Ha! I can barely see my toes much less touch them...but I try. And, the tempo? Geeze Louize! Some of my classmates move like the speed of light; I try to catch up and sometimes I do catch them but then, they leave me again. Rick, how long did you study the methods employed during the Spanish Inquisition? Not so bad though; I'll be back.

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