Sleep deprivation can lead you to do strange things. For example the presence of a hacking holiday cough and a 200 lb man snoring next to me who also is cursed with a "jimmy leg" must have caused me to respond to the Fat Camp Challenge in the 11th Hour.

I was thrilled when heard I would be one of the participants. But as I lay in bed this morning waiting for that 5 AM alarm to ring, I found making excuses not to get out of bed. I decided I would go to the evening class instead. Then the "jimmy leg" next to me kicked in, making the departure from memory foam and down all the easier. Driving in the foggy darkness I knew this would be no "piece of cake", or in my case, it's a hunk of cheese. But I wasn't prepared for the serious ass kicking I would receive. I found myself wondering why I thought this public humiliation would be a good idea?
As I lay on the gym floor, doing all kinds of crazy "scissor" motions with my legs, the reality of these next eleven weeks hit me, much like the searing pain I was feeling in my abs.
So after muttering a barrage of obscenities, I tried to focus on how it would all get easier over time. That, and thinking about the banging bod I would hopefully come away with didn't hurt either.
Public Humiliation is a great motivator, and Vanity is a bigger bitch than me!
Keep up the good work. You will be mad when it is over cause you will want to go back for some more:)