So now I've completed, a term I use loosely, 2 more sessions and I'm rethinking going for a third. In the meantime, I did hear back from the Geneva Convention folks and they turned down my request for a review - apparently if you are free to leave its not really their definition of torture, details!
Monday night was all about the cardio. I had forgotten to pack my sports bra (high impact) so I was trying to squeeze one more hour out of my 18 Hour bra. We did the nothing but cardio which means non stop motion with varying degrees on intensity sprinkled in just often enough
to keep you from EVER catching your freakin' breath! During the thing called mountain climbers, when you're down on all fours as you alternate which leg is in back - my left shoulder seized up and died. It knocked me to the floor for a nano-second or five. First I just sat there in
the sitting fetal position, rocking back and forth, fighting the stars in my eyes, sirens in my ears, the room spinning, the lights going on and off for no apparent reason and trying not to puke on anyone I like.
(Chris was in front of me and Pat was on my right side which left the stranger on my left as my only possible target). That's a lot to grasp all at once! Pat had to help me up, my body just wasn't responding to my commands but I think I mentally shot about 5 more pins in my Rick
doll. ESS came to check on me, and again he was being nice, even compassionate. But I digress - long story short - the rest of the session ESS told me to go easy so I slacked off a bit. When it was finally, mercifully over I went home, took drugs, a hot shower and crawled into bed, to sleep perchance to dream. . .
Tuesday I started feeling bad for having slacked off on Monday so, after finding out that Pat was going to the 5:30 session, I suited up (including my high impact sports bra) and went on down there. ESS seemed surprised to see me, inquired about my shoulder and said he'd modify his planned session so as not to hurt my shoulder. His weirdly timed compassion is really starting to grate on my nerves! The guilt over the Rick doll and the long pins passed quickly though. We worked on legs and abs. Squats, lunges, crunches, leg lifts, walking lunges, stair climbing squats, stretches, squatting stretches while you lunge - the pain was magnificent, I know he was proud! He was bouncing around with that big ol' smile of his, talking about how much this is helping
us, how its gonna improve our health, our looks, blah, blah, blah - made me want to slap that smile right into next week! When my arms don't hurt so bad I may just do it too!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Debbie: WTFO - that's Air Force for WTF - Over!
Deborah Horne,
Gateway Fitness,
hard work,
Rick Cain,
sports bra,
The 11th Hour,
workout hell
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