Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Katy- Steps, Squats & Jump Ropes & Stairs, Oh My!

Wow. This morning was a killer. And by killer, I mean that when I was climbing the 6 flights for the 3RD TIME, I truly wondered if I was going to pass out and die in the stairwell between the 3rd and 4th floor only to be discovered tonight by fellow "skinnys." I don't know what I was thinking leaving the warm comforts of my Ikea bedding to die in the stairwell at 6:00 in the morning. Wait! Good health, better lifestyle, that's right, back on track. The road to wellness has it's hills, valleys and plateaus, and this morning was a most definite "valley" in my journey. But I will stay on course, for I've now found that not only do I want to succeed for myself, I don't want to dissapoint my other "skinny challengers" who are in it to win it.


  1. YAY for you Katy! It was killer and only those of us that endured 15 flights of stairs can appreciate your accomplishment! I don't think you will disappoint us at all!

  2. haha thanks. i did finally get new shoes (yeah!) so now i can at least stop complaining of achy feet... only achy muscles.

  3. Way to go Katy...he gave us the same torture in the evening class. Just be glad he's still being "easy" on you skinny's just plain mean to run 6 flights of stairs and come back to find that you're step played an evil trick on you and morphed into 3 steps!
