Noun: goldbricking 'gówld`bri-king
Usage: N. Amer
1. The evasion of work or duty
- shirking, slacking, soldiering, goofing off [N. Amer]
I don't believe in making excuses. The second I hear one coming on from someone I stop listening. Now mind you, I realize some are valid. But most of what I hear is goldbricking.
In all the years of watching my boys play sports, I found there is one on every team. A "goldbricker".
One in particular comes to mind. A boy on my "little guy's" wrestling team. This kid would always go out on the mat and eventually just give up early into the first period. He would then storm off the mat gesturing and throwing a tantrum making comments like "I almost had him". I would sit there and think what baloney I was watching and it would just get me mad. If this kid put a little more effort into wrestling and less in the after show he might have gotten a pin. One thing I have always told my kids is don't EVER be a goldbricker.
Careful what you say because it might come back and bite you.
When I started this Skinny Challenge and was filling out the required paper work, I mentioned to Rick that I was just coming off having a cast on my ankle for six weeks. Torn ligaments are no picnic. The thing that irritates my ankle most...steps. So here we are approaching week three and let me tell you those steps seriously kill me. When I feel like I want to make an excuse, I think of that kid on Stein's wrestling team. I won't be that kid. Ever.
Who new Commodore lyrics could be so prolific?
She's a brick----house
Mighty might just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick----house
The lady's stacked and that's a fact,
ain't holding nothing back.
This brick house isn't made of gold.
Not trying to scare anyone, or be a goldbricker (new term!), but I did hurt myself on those stairs during the last FitCamp. I thought "because I'm a runner" I could blaze up and down those things at lightening speeds (okay, maybe just really really fast). I ended up paying for it in the end, even though Rick told me I could and should slow down (who wants to listen to Rick anyway...j/k). Now, I listen.
ReplyDeleteJust my 2 cents. You all are doing so great!
ReplyDeleteYou have your own little amen corner with me, Priscilla!