I was reminded of my JW this morning. This was the first sunny morning we have had in a while. I knew we would be going outside by Rick's cryptic facebook status.
Upon arriving to the gym, my deductions proved to be correct, we were going outside. Nice, I thought.
Then I found out where we were going. The Indian Mounds. Which is totally far away!
I thought of the many field trips the kids had out there and how I always got out of going. For some reason walking up a big mound has never been my bag. Now here I was,not only going but walking there! Double Yikes!
Then I started thinking about Indians and of course those thoughts naturally segued into the Duke.
Ok, maybe this wouldn't be such a bad walk. I thought of The Searchers, Ethan Edwards, and of course Debbie. I always wanted to be Debbie. Before I knew it we had gotten to the Mounds. Don't ask me how, I don't pay attention where I am going...I just follow. About the time we passed the "sleeping puppy" my legs began to feel that this was in fact becoming a work out. Suddenly my swoony thoughts of John Wayne left my head. I began to focus on the burning sensation in my thighs as we walked up a hill. And then there was another, and yet another hill before me. Before you knew it we had trekked around the entire place and I knew my decisions all those years ago NOT to go on those field trips were the right ones.
Walking back, my thoughts went back to JW. Not to The Searchers though, but to The Quiet Man, my all time favorite movie. In particular the line where Mary Kate tells Sean they are walking the 5 miles into town.
"Just a good stretch of the legs." she says.

Just a good stretch of the legs...indeed. Now all this girl needs is for Jimmy Leg to grab and kiss me like that when he comes in the door. SWOON
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