1 /stu, styu/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [stoo, styoo]
–verb (used with object)
1. to meld a mixture of things by simmering or slow boiling.
–verb (used without object)
2. to undergo cooking by simmering or slow boiling.
3. to fret or worry.
4. to feel uncomfortable due to a hot, humid, stuffy atmosphere, as in a closed room; swelter.
5. a preparation of meat, fish, or other food cooked by stewing, esp. a mixture of meat and vegetables.
6. Informal. a state of agitation, uneasiness, or worry.
7. a brothel; whorehouse.
1350–1400; ME stewen, stuwen to take a sweat bath < MF estuver, v. deriv. of estuve sweat room of a bath
French estuver, possibly from Vulgar Latin *extūpāre, *extūfāre
Take your pick of any of the above definitions. That would describe tonight's class.
How, you may ask? I'll tell you.
I went to class this evening already wondering if I was going to be able to make myself workout hard, given the fact that I was so sore, achy, and stiff from the week. (stew definition 3 & 6)
We were informed at the very onset to be ready for a hodgepodge. A veritable olio of exercises.The rational being that since our entire bodies were already sore, we should make them sorer. So with trepidation I grabbed my mat, my step, my jump rope, AND my weights. This recipe called for a pinch of cardio, a dash of abs, some arms and a whole lot of leg work. (stew definition 1 & 5)
As we started, and the doors were closed, and it became very warm in the room. The air conditioner was not set at it's usual frigid temperature due to the chilly days we had been having. My ears began to burn. My ears have a tendency to get beet red and become uncomfortably hot. I began to swelter.(stew definition 2 & 4)
As the workout continued and I soldiered on, I began to notice the sounds coming from around the room. Grunting, panting, and moaning sounds. Heavy breathing and pained sounds. I lay on my mat and started giggling. It sounded like...
stew definition 7
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