Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Charlie here...Omigosh! Another session with Rick tonight....it is getting better...the exercises are all good except this ole man cannot do some of them....I mean my abs cannot even hold up my belly much less lift my entire torso. "entire" is same as "massive, enormous, flabby, weak". But as the sign says..."gotta try". And try I do. I never thought anything could be as bad as the "stairways to hell" but I was wrong. Who is the world even could have imagined I could jump rope? Well, I cannot but I'll keep trying. But, believe it or not, I'd rather do the stairways thing than jump. And, I know the rest of you will agree, Wow! I feel terrific. See y'all tonight.


  1. Charlie, I started the evening out thanking you for inspiring me to come tonight.
    I still am thanking you. Thank you for making me prefer Atlanta traffic to tonight's class.

  2. Doing great Charlie! I even noticed last night that you weren't holding on to anything when we stretched our quads. Satan, I mean Rick, has said before that stretching like that (and not holding on) is a good sign of balance, which is a good sign that abs are responding.
