Notes from the Badger!
As most of you guys know by now, I have decided to leave the blog alone and just sit back and read and watch each of your stories develop on the way to fitness. I thought if I chimed in all the time that it would seem that I was trying to control the flow of information and perhaps make some of you feel like you couldn't be honest on here without retribution from me. While I am not going to say that some blog post haven't found a way into our workouts, I will say that it is so interesting to go back and read the post and see the changes in attitudes as time passes. Keep up the good work and remember this is just a little over half way, don't quit on me now!
Here are some results after seeing most of you for measurements -
Attendance - I know that this is a horrible thing to take into account but the relationship between success and showing up is undeniable. Being consistent and taking this seriously is something you have to do if you want to see results. I think it is obvious the ones that see they have been given a $250 gift and understand the sacrifice that is for a small business and in return you have brought more than money can buy into each class.
Pricilla Esser - 27 classes
Ginny Cooke - 19
Maureen McCullough - 17
Pat Topping - 17
Deborah Horne - 17
Pat Judd - 15
Charles McCullough - 14
Mary Saltz- 12 - dropped out
Kim Wold - 12
Katy Thompson - 12
Chris Horne - 9
Amina Brown - 2 - dropped out
Results so far -
Down 35 pounds!
Down 8.6% Body Fat
Down 7.5 of collective Body Mass
Total loss of 20 inches!
These results are looking great and I can't wait to see what will happen over the next 4 weeks! I am so impressed with those of you that are seizing this opportunity to really change and improve your lives and I am so lucky to be a part of it!
Stay Strong we are only half way to the end of a never ending climb of well being!

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ReplyDeleteHaving owned a business I realize how much money Gateway has donated for this challenge. I think everyone needs to see this is no small expenditure and make the most of this gift. I guarantee you that if any of us passed a ten dollar bill laying on the ground we would pick it up. So leaving $250 just laying there is beyond my comprehension? I for one plan on continuing to make the most of this experience...long after the Skinny Challenge is over.