.6 down!! I can't believe it! Even with the heavy indulgences, I'm 1/2 pound down this week...whew!! This makes 6.6 lbs since joining WW one month ago. I was sure this week was going to be a downer, and am now even more convinced than ever that these happy little foods are NOT worth the sweat and worry over a 30 minute Thursday meeting that includes the scales which have not been my friend for a LONG time. So, it's with gladness that I say goodbye to the biscuits and garlic knots (and the mac and cheese I scarfed down yesterday).... it's not worth the heart attack of nerves waiting for my time on the scale!! Thanks to Fit Camp, and FINALLY taking a serious look at food, I think I've found a balance of healthy living that is working for me!! The road is still uphill, but these little weekly victories have done wonders!
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